Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday Top 10: Best of Metro

Metro is what the middle school youth group is called at my church.  I figured that to start out my Tuesday Top 10 posts, I would talk about the top ten reasons Metro is awesome!! :D

10. Games.  Having games is only 10 because it is a no-brainer.  Dude, of course games make it awesome!  We play games like five-square (four-square but with a square in the middle), ninja with a lot of yelling, swordfights with pool noodles and more!!

9. Friends.  Since coming to First Pres I've made a ton of new friends, in only about a year and a half!  Everyone is so nice and fun to be around.  Having Christian friends are one of my top priorities and here I've made a ton!!

8. Going places. We are called "Metro" because we do more service stuff around the city, especially in summer.  Once we delivered sandwiches to the homeless. (Apparently one of the guys was vegetarian.  Good for him for keeping that up, but you don't have too many choices...)

The homeless dudes, sorry to say, were not this cute.  and the sandwiches were not that big!

7. Funny Memories. On Sunday we were all talking about funny memories.  A lot happen on the winter and summer retreats, but we have tons of memories just in class too.  Like, when everyone was on the fall retreat and we didn't know, so when no adults showed up we just sat around and talked--well the girls did, the boys destroyed things and threw markers.  It was epic.

6. Game Night. Every so often we have game night, which is usually 7-10pm and there's snacks and (duh) games!!  We play Romans and Christians, which is a really big, dark game of hide and seek where no place is really off-limits except the bathrooms, and pretty dangerous if you're a Christian because the Romans are hunting you and get to capture you and take you to jail where you have to answer a Bible Trivia Question to get out.  Awesome.

5. Burning Things.  Seriously.  We burn things quite a bit.  On palm Sunday, we burned bread, we burned candles on Christmas (we almost burnt the building down too--JK!!), and sometimes at Thursday night youth group we burn candles too...we've burnt paper that we wrote our sins on, and goldfish crackers.  It's fun <3

4. Awesome invitations. To stuff.  Of course there's game night, but we also get invited to pool parties, the Hunger Games premiere (couldn't make it, boo-hoo but I still saw it), and a baseball game, just recently.  It's pretty cool!

3. Joel, Karen, Alex, and Sam.  Joel is the head of our youth group.  He is in charge of planning what we are going to learn, making sure we don't sacrifice each other  (long story short: what not to do when we worship God), playing dodgeball with the guys and generally being cool.  He says people who think middle schoolers aren't awesome are lame. And he's right.
Karen and Alex help out Joel, along with Sam.  I would consider Karen my friend, even though she's already married and is an electrical engineer which I will never be (too much math).  Alex is super funny and nice.  He's Karen's husband and we were talking one day about kidnapping and axes--just normal stuff ;)  Sam is in college I believe, and sometimes comes in to help us out.  He's good at thinking of examples for things so that we really understand what we're talking about.

2. Team Jesus. We got this epic wristbands that say "TEAM JESUS" on them, which were really cheap according to Joel.  They are really, really cool and I wear mine every day!!

1. God. Of course!  We learn so much and aren't afraid to talk about our fears and questions when God is concerned.  He is so, so awesome!

So...that was a long but satisfying post.  Hope you enjoyed, come to my church sometime yeah?  Haha <3  Team Jesus!!


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