Saturday, June 30, 2012


So, I was going to have a fashion post today, but I couldn't think of anything.  My brain is mush.

Instead, this post will be about something totally different from fashion...actually, I should just be doing it instead of blogging about it...

Cleaning that monster that is known as, "My Bedroom".

Now, this task is already hard because my preschool-age sister lives in there with me.  And she is not at all interested in cleaning up.  So I have to over-compensate in the first place to keep clean.  And when I'm getting to bed at ten every night and all I want to do is read and then sleep, the mere act of putting the day's clothes away seems hard.  So they most often get set by my bed or on my dresser, as I think They'll get put away in the morning.

My room isn't this messy :)

Not so much so.  Suddenly I realize that all the stuff has been piling up and when I go to finally put it away, I can't it clean still?  Or was I gonna put it in the laundry? So everything is automatically categorized as "DIRTY" and then somehow I have no more clothes in my closet and have to wear a my oldest tank top instead of the new t-shirt and shorts that I wanted to wear in the first place.  This happened the other day, where I had to wear shorts into the very cold, very windy city.  But we were lucky and it wasn't as cold as usual (phew!!).

Then there's the random trash that somehow ends up in my room.  How on earth did that paper get there?  Didn't I give that drawing to my brother?  And most recently, Why is there tissue paper in here?  Was I wrapping a present?

Wait.  I think I was.


So today I started going through my room, putting dirty laundry in the basket, throwing meaningless papers away, going through stacks of old magazines that I haven't seen for years.  (Who knew we still even had my old National Geographic Kids issues from '06?)  I've decided just to toss the lot.  I don't need them anyway.  All my old American Girl magazines are already stored away, and the newest issue of any of my subscriptions are all that my magazine bin holds.

My sheets are washing now, and everyone knows that making your bed immediately makes your room look better.  After my room has been organized, I'll vacuum and move on to my closet.  That won't take long (I hope).

If you are interested in seeing my clean room, I can take pictures or do a room tour video and post it here...just comment and tell me.  Both of you followers have already seen my room though, so maybe that's kinda lame to ask :)  But I speak as if there is a larger audience.  It's more fun that way!

Speaking of, if you have just stumbled upon this blog by searching some weird keyword leave a comment!!  Or even if you are a first-time or new to this blog or my other one (more about my education and such) shoot me a comment!!

New to the blogging world?!  I'll totally follow your site :)  Just give me the URL and I'll check it out!  Blogging rocks!!

Wow.  That was a very long, very ramble-y post.  And it got kinda off-topic at the end haha!  But later!


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Top 10 Tuesday: Summer Stuff I was gone the past two Fridays.  And Last Tuesday.  But now I'm back!! <3
Top 10 Tuesday #2 is Things that I Do During Summer.  These are my favorite activities to do during summer!!

10. Blog.  I know, this sounds really horrible that this is my least favorite of my favorite things to do!!  But it's true.  Usually I blog when I'm bored or don't know what to do.  I do like to blog the summer, it can just be a last resort.

9. Playing in my yard.  This would be more fun for me if it weren't so hot where I live!!  Ugh.  Don't get me wrong, I love doing stuff outside...but other stuff.  If I'm gonna run around, it will be in a sprinkler or during a water balloon fight, not just because.

8. Road trips. My family goes on a lot of day-trips.  I love to go on them, too!!  They are really fun :)  The only time I don't want to go is when I'm relaxing and having a good time...and planning on doing  nothing the entire day...and then "Hey let's go somewhere!"
But we have a good time.

7. Swimming.  Yeah buddy!  Swimming is like my ALL-TIME FAVORITE summer sport in the WORLD!!  EVER!!  Ahhhhhhh don't even get me started.  Hopefully I will go swimming this week.  Maybe even today.  I totally wish I had a pool because I would swim every day.
I'm gonna get on with the rest of my list, cause this will go on tooo long otherwise!

6. Friends.  Obviously.  I mean, what's summer without friends?!  I can do almost everything awesome during summer with friends.  I guess we could blog together too...maybe I'll do a joint blog with someone sometime.  Thinking Sidney or Rose Star or BeautyLover21?  Comment and tell me yeah?!

5. Vacation.  Well, that's what summer is.  But I mean going to the beach.  Going to a cabin in the woods.  Staying a few nights in a small town in the country.
I have done all these things.  The small town is courtesy of my friend.  I go to Santa Cruz once a year, and Monterey a ton :)  All fun stuff.  We went to Trinidad once too...awesomeness.

4. Music.  Already created my summer playlists.  Will continue to add songs to my expansive collection on my iPod.  Right now, my phone's playlist has:

Everything About You-1D
One Thing-1D
One Way or Another-Mandy Moore
Our Song-Taylor Swift
Save You Tonight-1D
Stole My Heart-1D
Summertime Guys-Nikki Cleary
Tell Me A Lie-1D
Up All Night-1D

Fun stuff.

3. Long Days, Late Nights.  Long days mean more time to do everything you didn't have time to do during the school year.  So of course it's fun to cram in everything you possibly can.  Especially when one spends all day at the beach, or at Lake Tahoe, or maybe riding bikes, swimming, and jumping on trampolines.  Or even just talking on the phone.  Staying up late at sleepovers is an all-time favorite of teens all over everywhere (I think.)  Another thing that somehow ends up happening is me reading a chapter of my book...then looking up at the clock and realizing it's been two hours and quite a few more chapters than I planned on reading.

2. Sunshine.  There's something about waking up and having bright sunlight shining into my eyes that just makes my day from the start, and keeps it going all day long.  Nuff said.

1. Summer!  Everything that makes summer summer is what makes summer my favorite season of the year.  All this, and more just makes it the best year after year :)


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I'm Back!!

Heyy!  I'm finally back from washington DC!!  Let me tell you we were walking literally seven miles a day and woke up every morning at six am!!  It was crazy but super fun :P  So today I have a post that will not require me to think with my sleepy pudding/brain haha enjoy!

Oh Yeah.  Rock it Steve!

This is my life

How I spend Summer nights

Rose Star tried to teach me this.  So did Chris.  I don't understand.

Thank goodness for books. ya haha :D


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Weird and Useful Beauty Tips

Hey people!!  Today I have a post of random beauty tips I've picked up.  Some of them are really cool, other ones are kinda weird haha :)  Guess I'll just jump in then!


~Putting on clear lipgloss before eyeshadow helps keep it on longer and makes the pigments stand out better
~go to The Beauty Department for good eyeshadow tutorials based on eye color :)
~Pat, don't swipe on glitter shadow.  Swiping creates fallout, or eyeshadow falling onto your cheekbones, and it's a pain to get off!!


~Paint nail polish on tape then cut it into shapes or strips for easy nail art
~Apply nail polish in even coats (obvious, but worth mentioning)
~The more coats, the easier it chips
~Neon shows up brighter over white
~Want a dose of polish daily?  The Polish-Aholic


~Bobby pins can save your life!!
~Ponytails work in a pinch
~No time?  Braid and straighten bangs (if your bangs are wavy like mine!!)
~Fishtail braids can be easy!
~Moroccan and Argan Oil work wonders!!  Help create soft, smooth, shiny hair.  Lovely <3


~Finding the right products for your skin type really, really matters!  Going to a place like Bare Escentuals and having them do your makeup and help you with foundation and stuff is really great.  They teach you how to do it yourself too!
~For (just gonna say it) zits:
1/4 teaspoon each: nutmeg, cinnamon, honey
Apply to afflicted areas
Let sit 30 min
Wash off
NO LIE, within 7 days my super bad acne was gone.  Applied it morning/night every day for a week and the results were amazing.  Best thing?  All-natural and easy to make!


~Weird but true: in a pinch, you can shave the area between your eyebrows with a razor.  Not as effective as waxing, but far less painful and much easier than plucking!
~Junk food doesn't cause acne, but eating lots of fruit/veggies keeps skin looking good!  I know you already know this of course, but definitely worth hearing again :)
~This isn't really what most people think of when they think beauty, but if you're looking for a good, quick workout?  There are tons of pilates, yoga, and cardio exercise videos on Netflix Instant Play.  They really work you haha!!

Hope this helped any of you guys in any way, if you have any other tips please comment and tell me!!  I will not be posting for about a week, because I will be on vacation.  But after that there's the whole summer!!  Because today was the last day of school!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday Top 10: Best of Metro

Metro is what the middle school youth group is called at my church.  I figured that to start out my Tuesday Top 10 posts, I would talk about the top ten reasons Metro is awesome!! :D

10. Games.  Having games is only 10 because it is a no-brainer.  Dude, of course games make it awesome!  We play games like five-square (four-square but with a square in the middle), ninja with a lot of yelling, swordfights with pool noodles and more!!

9. Friends.  Since coming to First Pres I've made a ton of new friends, in only about a year and a half!  Everyone is so nice and fun to be around.  Having Christian friends are one of my top priorities and here I've made a ton!!

8. Going places. We are called "Metro" because we do more service stuff around the city, especially in summer.  Once we delivered sandwiches to the homeless. (Apparently one of the guys was vegetarian.  Good for him for keeping that up, but you don't have too many choices...)

The homeless dudes, sorry to say, were not this cute.  and the sandwiches were not that big!

7. Funny Memories. On Sunday we were all talking about funny memories.  A lot happen on the winter and summer retreats, but we have tons of memories just in class too.  Like, when everyone was on the fall retreat and we didn't know, so when no adults showed up we just sat around and talked--well the girls did, the boys destroyed things and threw markers.  It was epic.

6. Game Night. Every so often we have game night, which is usually 7-10pm and there's snacks and (duh) games!!  We play Romans and Christians, which is a really big, dark game of hide and seek where no place is really off-limits except the bathrooms, and pretty dangerous if you're a Christian because the Romans are hunting you and get to capture you and take you to jail where you have to answer a Bible Trivia Question to get out.  Awesome.

5. Burning Things.  Seriously.  We burn things quite a bit.  On palm Sunday, we burned bread, we burned candles on Christmas (we almost burnt the building down too--JK!!), and sometimes at Thursday night youth group we burn candles too...we've burnt paper that we wrote our sins on, and goldfish crackers.  It's fun <3

4. Awesome invitations. To stuff.  Of course there's game night, but we also get invited to pool parties, the Hunger Games premiere (couldn't make it, boo-hoo but I still saw it), and a baseball game, just recently.  It's pretty cool!

3. Joel, Karen, Alex, and Sam.  Joel is the head of our youth group.  He is in charge of planning what we are going to learn, making sure we don't sacrifice each other  (long story short: what not to do when we worship God), playing dodgeball with the guys and generally being cool.  He says people who think middle schoolers aren't awesome are lame. And he's right.
Karen and Alex help out Joel, along with Sam.  I would consider Karen my friend, even though she's already married and is an electrical engineer which I will never be (too much math).  Alex is super funny and nice.  He's Karen's husband and we were talking one day about kidnapping and axes--just normal stuff ;)  Sam is in college I believe, and sometimes comes in to help us out.  He's good at thinking of examples for things so that we really understand what we're talking about.

2. Team Jesus. We got this epic wristbands that say "TEAM JESUS" on them, which were really cheap according to Joel.  They are really, really cool and I wear mine every day!!

1. God. Of course!  We learn so much and aren't afraid to talk about our fears and questions when God is concerned.  He is so, so awesome!

So...that was a long but satisfying post.  Hope you enjoyed, come to my church sometime yeah?  Haha <3  Team Jesus!!


Monday, June 11, 2012

How To Find Me

So....I was looking through my stats on blogger, and there's a few different sections.  One tells you where your viewers are from.  My pageviews per country are:

USA: 2520 (probably mostly me haha)
Russia: 17 (Ohhkaaaay)
Canada: 15 (I don't know anyone from Canada.  Huh.)
Philippines: 8 (I suppose "Bonita" could have referred me to her relatives?)
South Africa: 8 (Honestly.)
Germany: 7 (no comment)
UK: 4!!! (ONE DIRECTION or HARRY POTTER CAST, if you are out there reading my blog TELL ME PLEASE, I would totally die of over-awesomeness!!!!)
Vietnam: 4 (I'm sorry, do I know you?)
Australia: 3 (if you Australians are reading this, your accents are awesome)
France: 3 (can you bring me a croissant?)

Even weirder than the fact that Russia views my blog more than other countries besides my own, is how people come to arrive at my blog.  Apparently some of the sites that have referred me are: (no kidding) (what?!) (huh) (ok, this is a link-sharing site.  I get it.) (excuse me?) (I've looked at this site, and it's garden furniture. Wha?) (this is an online pharmacy.  confused.) (hey Sid!!  Thanks <3) (I don't have a twitter.  Don't understand!)

Sadly, I don't have weird search keywords.  I know a blog that posted her search keywords and they were hilarious.  It would be funny if I did too, but here are mine anyway:

one direction toms (yes!!  I am being referred to by searching one direction!!  Hear this boys?  We were meant to be!!)

sally hansen virtual violet (I did do a post on this...only I looked at the polish after and it turned out to be lacy lilac.  Oops)

crop toms with bathing suit (did they mean tops?  Who knows)

crop tops-toms (wow.  I did a post titled exactly that.)

glittery summer clothing (Awesome!!  Glitter!  Clothes!!  YES!)

How to wear glitter toms polyvore (this makes sense as polyvore is part of my everyday) (duh)

polyvore effie trinket (surprisingly accurate to my blog.  surprising that google did not put them at my polyvore)

polyvore tops (Ok.)

toms crop top (do crop tops make toms?  I mean, do toms make crop tops?  were they searching for both?  either way, at least they arrived on my blog.  I wonder if they are from Russia.  Or maybe France.  Or Australia?)

Tell me what you think about this.  Maybe search yourself on Google...or check out your blog's stats.  What did you find?!


Oh Google, how weird you can be.

Crazy Talk?!

Hi might think I'm totally crazy, but I remember that this blog was originally supposed to be about fashion, yeah, but also about the random and crazy things that happen in my life, hanging out with friends and shopping, swimming, dancing, and laughing.  But I've noticed how all I talk about here is fashion and beauty, and while that's a good thing, it's gonna get a little mixed up.  I completely re-did my blog so it looks different, to be more versatile and stuff, and there will be a post coming up on beauty tips that I've learned, and (if you want) a summer clothing "haul"--aka, summer stuff I picked up over the past three months and LOVE <3 haha!
Sorry about this really random mixup, hopefully it will work out and make this blog even better!!  Here are just a few ideas for regular blogging, so you get more posts and I stretch my creativity.
~Top 10 Tuesday.  I got this idea from another blog, and she had the MOST HILARIOUS top 10s I have ever seen.  Love it, and hope she doesn't mind me using her idea (not that she knows I have a blog anyhow).
~Fashion Friday.  Polyvore sets, clothes fun, other fashion awesomeness.  Like I said, it will not be forgotten!!
~Monthly Check Up.  What's been going on in the great big l.i.f.e?  Who knows, maybe you don't want to know, but since it would be once a month just recapping the past...well, month, hopefully it won't be to tedious :)

Any other ideas?  I might do a hair series, very possibly a nail series, and I wish I could do a makeup series but I'm not that inspired.  Maybe if you girls put out some tutorial ideas that you wanna see?  Please comment what you want, because there will be a time soon where I run out of ideas!!  Love you all!!!!
