Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We've been doing some cool stuff here in LA.  We went to the Reagan Museum, a couple of malls haha, the Natural History Museum, USC, and I helped out at the little girls' Awana club last night ^.^

I have NO IDEA what we are doing today.  Let me tell you what I've done today so far:

• Woke up
• Ate (rice krispies lol)
• Checked my sites (pinterest, other blog, polyvore)
• Got ready (we got this new makeup from Bare Escentuals which is gorgeous!!)
• Mauled my knee with my razor--by accident of course!  (It hurts though...)
• Blogged

So, six things so far!  Who knows what the rest of the day will hold?

Peace out girl scout ✌


Friday, November 23, 2012

Los Angeles

Hey my peoples!!  I've been a really, really bad blogger lately, but this week I'm in L.A. so I'll have a lot to post about :)  We arrived today, and we're hitting Disneyland in a couple days--SUPER EXCITED!!

This morning I was packing in a frenzy, spending more time screaming, "WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND" than actually packing.  So I have no idea what I'm gonna be wearing.  I'll upload mirror pix of my outfits if I remember to snap them haha :D

Alright, love you guys but I'm gonna sign off for the night.  Just wanted to update you on my life.

What did you guys do for thanksgiving/break?

Peace, love, and Mickey Mouse ♡♡


Friday, November 16, 2012

Invisibility hat that doesn't work

Whee, pix of my Halloween costume up finally!!
I was Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan

Love you all!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


So there's really nothing for me to talk about, sadly...but me and Sid have been writing a House of Hades (next book in the Heroes of Olympus series) fanfiction, if you want to read it our username is twilightdemigod23 on fanfiction.net.

Honestly my life has been going at the speed of snails so there hasn't been anything to post.  However I regularly update my Pinterest so go ahead and check that out if you want :)

well hello there cutie

Peace, love, and M&Ms
