Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Weird and Useful Beauty Tips

Hey people!!  Today I have a post of random beauty tips I've picked up.  Some of them are really cool, other ones are kinda weird haha :)  Guess I'll just jump in then!


~Putting on clear lipgloss before eyeshadow helps keep it on longer and makes the pigments stand out better
~go to The Beauty Department for good eyeshadow tutorials based on eye color :)
~Pat, don't swipe on glitter shadow.  Swiping creates fallout, or eyeshadow falling onto your cheekbones, and it's a pain to get off!!


~Paint nail polish on tape then cut it into shapes or strips for easy nail art
~Apply nail polish in even coats (obvious, but worth mentioning)
~The more coats, the easier it chips
~Neon shows up brighter over white
~Want a dose of polish daily?  The Polish-Aholic


~Bobby pins can save your life!!
~Ponytails work in a pinch
~No time?  Braid and straighten bangs (if your bangs are wavy like mine!!)
~Fishtail braids can be easy!
~Moroccan and Argan Oil work wonders!!  Help create soft, smooth, shiny hair.  Lovely <3


~Finding the right products for your skin type really, really matters!  Going to a place like Bare Escentuals and having them do your makeup and help you with foundation and stuff is really great.  They teach you how to do it yourself too!
~For (just gonna say it) zits:
1/4 teaspoon each: nutmeg, cinnamon, honey
Apply to afflicted areas
Let sit 30 min
Wash off
NO LIE, within 7 days my super bad acne was gone.  Applied it morning/night every day for a week and the results were amazing.  Best thing?  All-natural and easy to make!


~Weird but true: in a pinch, you can shave the area between your eyebrows with a razor.  Not as effective as waxing, but far less painful and much easier than plucking!
~Junk food doesn't cause acne, but eating lots of fruit/veggies keeps skin looking good!  I know you already know this of course, but definitely worth hearing again :)
~This isn't really what most people think of when they think beauty, but if you're looking for a good, quick workout?  There are tons of pilates, yoga, and cardio exercise videos on Netflix Instant Play.  They really work you haha!!

Hope this helped any of you guys in any way, if you have any other tips please comment and tell me!!  I will not be posting for about a week, because I will be on vacation.  But after that there's the whole summer!!  Because today was the last day of school!!!!!!!!!


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